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FCC Switches Gears Regarding Internet Privacy Rules

Just when net neutrality opponents thought that they were in the clear, the 2016 election came along to throw everything into uncertainty again. While most consumers are primarily concerned with retaining their ability to access a free, open internet on their terms, they should be equally ...


Popular iOS Apps Vulnerable to Wi-Fi Snooping

Popular iOS Apps Vulnerable to Wi-Fi Snooping

On February 6, iOS security researcher Will Strafach revealed that at least 76 iOS apps process TLS certificates in a way that makes the apps inherently insecure. Users have downloaded the vulnerable apps a combined 18 million times -- and some of the potentially vulnerable data includes login ...


2010-2020: The Decade of Hacktivism

2010-2020: The Decade of Hacktivism

Computing technology impacts nearly every aspect of modern society. It significantly increases the speed of business operations, and it makes life more convenient in many ways. The effects are similarly far-reaching when critical computer systems are compromised by hackers. Today's hackers ...

What Everyone Can Learn from the Yahoo Data Breach

Yahoo’s recent announcement of hacks compromising a billion or more accounts calls attention to the tenuous nature of online security. Although it’s natural to want to assume your data is safe when you sign up for a service, the perpetually connected nature of the modern world means information is ...

5 Dangerous Online Habits That Could Get You in Big Trouble

Whether you spend a lot of time online or just a little, the habits you develop can keep you safe - or put you at risk. Developing good habits and dumping bad ones is the best way to protect yourself online, and it all starts with knowing the difference. It is all too easy to develop risky ...


A Look at Cloud Security and Possible Threats

A Look at Cloud Security and Possible Threats

A recent survey by Lieberman Software at the Microsoft Ignite 2016 revealed that 43 percent of IT experts find it hard to provide security for data in cloud storage. Storing files in the cloud is one of the revolutions that the internet has brought to the everyday business. This storage ...

Why the Internet Crashed on October 21, 2016

As dawn broke on the eastern seaboard of the U.S. on October 21, 2016, a wave of chatter spread online concerning some of the largest websites on the planet. The likes of Twitter, CNN, and Reddit were unreachable by millions of people. What at first appeared to be a random and chaotic situation ...

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